Tekno’s Musical Wisdom: ‘Can’t Chase’ and the Essence of Trust in Relationships”


In the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary music, Tekno Miles, a maestro in the Afrobeat scene, offers not only infectious beats but also insightful perspectives on life and relationships. His song, “Can’t Chase,” delves into the delicate dynamics of trust and love, delivering a message that resonates with the complexities of modern romance. In this blog, we dissect the lyrics of “Can’t Chase,” explore Tekno’s stance on trust and freedom in relationships, and reflect on the enduring wisdom encapsulated in his musical narrative.

The Art of Letting Go: Tekno’s opening statement, “I don’t like a woman who practically likes to check my phone,” sets the stage for a conversation about trust and autonomy in relationships. The artist’s assertion that love should not be coercive emphasizes the importance of mutual trust and respect. The narrative challenges the notion that control or surveillance is a manifestation of love, advocating instead for a more liberated and trusting connection.

The Power of Trust: Tekno’s declaration, “If you don’t trust me, let me go,” carries a profound message about the foundational role of trust in sustaining a healthy relationship. The artist is uncompromising in his belief that love should be built on a bedrock of faith, and any relationship devoid of trust is destined to unravel. The song echoes the sentiment that attempting to force or control a connection can lead to its demise.

The Inevitability of Imperfection: In the poignant line, “last last e go cast, everything will be forgotten,” Tekno acknowledges the inherent imperfections and fallibility of individuals. The phrase “last last” implies that, in the grand scheme of things, mistakes and shortcomings are inevitable. The artist embraces the idea that forgiveness and understanding are essential components of lasting connections.

“Nigga gonna be a nigga”: Tekno’s candid acknowledgment of human nature with the line, “tell me in this world who doesn’t lie, a nigga gonna be a nigga,” adds a layer of realism to the narrative. The phrase recognizes the complexities of human behavior and serves as a reminder that understanding and acceptance are vital in navigating the intricacies of relationships.

“Can’t Chase” is more than a catchy Afrobeat anthem; it’s a lyrical exploration of trust, freedom, and the imperfections that make us human. In a world where relationships are often tested by societal expectations and the desire for control, Tekno advocates for a love that thrives on trust and acceptance. As listeners groove to the infectious rhythm of the song, they are also invited to reflect on the profound wisdom embedded in Tekno’s musical narrative. “Can’t Chase” stands as a testament to the enduring power of Afrobeat not only to move bodies but also to stimulate minds and provoke meaningful conversations about the intricacies of love and connection.